• AL Players Draft is 03/15/2025 (computer generated)
  • AL Coaches will notify players of practice dates / times after 03/15/2025
  • AL games will start the week of 05/03/2025
  • Depending on rain outs, the season should end by the first week in July
  • NL Teams Registration Deadline is 03/15/2025
  • NL games will start the week of 05/03/2025
  • Depending on rain outs, the season should end by the first week in July

BSB has two age divisions for T-Ball participants. The youngest division is called "T-Ball". This division is for participants that turn 4 or 5 years of age on or before April 30th. The second division is "T-Ball/Coach Pitch". This division is for participants who will be 5 or 6 years of age on or before April 30th. BSB will adhere to the April 30th cutoff dates with NO exceptions.

The league is providing baseball for Eastern Jackson County, but there are no restrictions on who can sign up and play in the BSB Youth League.

Players on National League (Comp) teams have no restrictions.

No Skills Test for the 2025 Season - blind draw only

The skills test is a brief series of drills that all players ages 8 years and above, who are not frozen on a team roster, are required to attend to be eligible for the "open" draft. The test consists of participants catching, throwing, and running in a brief drill that will last only a few minutes. All players that participate in the skills test are eligible to be selected during the "open" draft. All players that are "No Shows" at the skills tests, must be selected during the blind draw.

If you are interested in Managing or Coaching, and are 18 years or older, you should contact the Division Representative for the appropriate age group. If you are interested in Umpiring, see details on the Umpires page from the main menu of this web site. The league contracts an Umpire in Chief who secures and schedules all umpires. His/her contact information may also be found on the Umpires page.

All Managers, Coaches, Scorekeepers, BSB Board Members, Umpires, Maintenance Staff, Tournament Staff, Concession Staff, and Photographers must fill out the "League Credentials" application so the League may conduct a background check. This is required to obtain League Credentials and may be purchased on line at any time.

Division Representatives and the Umpire in Chief may be found by selecting the Board of Directors page from our Home page.

Yes, the 7 and 8-year-old divisions (7U and 8U) are Machine Pitch.

"Kid Pitch" begins at the 9-year-old (9U) division.

BSB has a "Must Play" rule for players in our AL (Rec) Divisions - 4U through 14U. All players in these divisions must play 2 innings if they participate in team practices. 

Teams in our NL (Comp) Divisions (7U though 14U) and our High School Divisions (15U through 19U) do NOT have a "Must Play" rule.

The cut-off date for BSB is April 30th. The player’s age on April 30 is the age that the league will use to determine what division the child will participate in.

Teams are formed in early March, and games begin in late April / early May. Depending upon weather, all divisions should finish league games around the first week of July. Games for the High School Division (15U thru 19U teams) begin in early June and finish around the last week in July.

Yes, a BSB Board Member will check Birth Certificates for all new player registrations. If you sign up on-line, your team manager will check Birth Certificates at the first team meeting or practice.

Yes, the league may have an annual fundraiser for League improvements that all players 14 years and younger in the American League (Rec) participate in.

No, the league cannot honor requests for children to play on certain teams unless a team manager freezes those players before the season. The only exception is with siblings - they will play on the same team, unless the parents request differently. Each team has a limited number of freezes based on their age group. T-Ball starts with 5 freezes at age 5 and an additional freeze is added every year, until age 12, then the manager may freeze an entire team.

In the American (Rec) League, the maximum number of players is 12 per team. Most teams have 11 or 12 players.  National (Comp) League does not have a maximum.

The league strives to have scores and standings updated on the league web site. This is all based upon Managers reporting all scores to the Division Representative. It is recommended that you have your team Manager contact their Division Representative if the BSB web site is not updated.